2005 |
“Intercultural communication in negotiation” and “Ethics in negotiation,” in Shozo Ohta = Yoshiaki Nomura, Casebook for Negotiation, Shojihomu, pp. 102-115 (in Japanese) |
2005 |
“Will the New Law on Arbitration Change Japanese Practices of Conciliatory Arbitration?” in Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 22, Issue 2. |
2004 |
Human Security and Peace Building: Practical Research Through NGOs, Discussion Paper for Peace-building Studies No. 1. |
2004 |
Status Quo of Peace-building in Sri Lanka, Booklet for Peace-building Studies No. 1 (in Japanese). |
2004 |
Katsuya Kodama, Yasunobu Sato, Hisae Nakanishi, Introduction to Peace Studies, (in Japanese) Yuhikaku. |
2003 |
Takeshi Kojima (ed.), Theory and Practice of ADR, Chuo Uni. Press, “Internationalisation of Bar Association’s Arbitration” pp. 149-180 (in Japanese). |
2003 |
Masayuki Kobayashi and Shinya Imaizumi (eds)., Dispute Resolution System in Asian countries, IDE=JETRO, Sanyosha, “Dispute Processing and Law in Vietnam towards Market Economy” pp. 101-138 (in Japanese). |
2002-3 |
“The Recent Development of ADR in Vietnam (1)-(4), JCA Journal Nos. Oct. 2002-April 2003 (in Japanese). |
2002 |
Takeshi Kojima (ed.), Bridge Book Law on Judicial Process, Shinzansha, “The Role and Technique required for Reconciliators and Arbitrators “ pp. 166-181 (in Japanese). |
2002 |
Japan Legal Aid Association, Legal Aid System in Japan, “Legal Aid and International Cooperation,” pp. 455-479 (in Japanese). |
2001 |
Report of JICA Study Group for Assistance for Cambodia, JICA “Part II, Ch. 2 Good Governance” pp. 135-184 (in Japanese). |
2001 |
Conflict and Development, JICA (in Japanese). |
2001 |
“International Cooperation Law for Globalisation: Peace-building” 18 Forum of International Development Studies, pp. 71-83 (in Japanese). |
2001 |
Refugees Studying Forum, Refugees and Human Rights, Gendai Jinbunsha, “Procedure for Refugee Determination in the UK” pp. 75-90(in Japanese). |
2001 |
Hybrid Dispute Processing in Japan: Linking Arbitration with Conciliation, APEC Discussion Paper No. 39. |
2001 |
Commercial Dispute Processing: Japanese Experience and Future, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, Boston and London |
2000 |
Yasunobu Sato, Hiroto Dougauchi, Takashi Akahane, “Model Law on Secured Transaction (1)-(2)”, 695-696 NBL (in Japanese). |
2000 |
“Law Reform Assistance for Transition Countries: A Case of Kyrgyz Power Sector Privatisation,” 16 Forum of International Development Studies, pp. 1-23(in Japanese). |
2000 |
“Cultural Conflict in Dispute Processing under Globalisation: International Cooperation for Legal Aid in Asia,” APEC Discussion Paper No. 36 |
2000 |
“The 1998 Civil Procedure Reform in Japan and its Implication,”Civil Justice Quarterly (London) |
2000 |
“Issues on Privatisation of Power Sector in Kyrgyzstan: Law Reform Technical Cooperation for PFI,” OECF Development Forum (in Japanese). |
1999 |
“Financial ADR in England:Revision of the Financial Services Law,” 46JCA Journal 7,pp. 2-10 (in Japanese). |
1998 |
Basic Study on Law Reform Assistance, JICA. (in Japanese) |
1998 |
“Privatisation of Dispute Processing: English Arbitration Act 1996 (1)-(4),” 45 JCA Journal (4-8) (in Japanese). |
1997 |
“Financing infrastructure projects in central and eastern Europe”, European Financial Services Law, September. |
1997 |
“Lessons from UNTAC Human Rights Operation”, Technology and Development (JICA), No. 10. |
1994 |
“The Japan's Foreign Policy towards Human Rights”, The Politics of Democratisation in Asia, West View Press. |